Eating Like a Bird
Also enjoying the yellow daisies in my garden, like the honey bee, are many beautiful American goldfinches. Here’s one having some lunch.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: birds, flowers, garden
Hungry Honey Bee
Enjoying the yellow daisies in my garden, I saw a friendly honey bee stopping for a bite to eat.
In: Favorite Insect Photos, Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden, insects
Firecracker Flower
The orange flowers on my aloe succulent plant are really blooming quickly. Part of the set with the little bloom from last week, is this one, which kind of reminds me of a firecracker. Happy Independence Day!
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
Summer’s Starting with a Twist
So it’s officially summer now and mine has started off with a twist. Instead of echeveria flowers beginning the blooming race, it’s the the soon-to-be-tall, orange flowers on my other succulent plant that’s off to a great start. I can’t wait to see what other interesting things this summer will bring. Happy summer to all! [...]
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
Magenta Penstemons
I’m enjoying seeing so many beautiful penstemon flowers around this summer. Here’s a bunch in magenta.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: around town, flowers
Wasp Visiting a Rose
I found a wasp flying around some roses. He was pretty fast, but I was able to snap this photo as he enjoyed the rose.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, insects
Magenta Geranium
Some other flowering plants in my garden include a beautiful magenta geranium.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
Echeveria Flowers
There are now lots of little flower buds on the ever-growing echeveria stem.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
Flying to the Flowers
On a recent outing, I found a wasp flying about in a bunch of penstemon flowers. It was interesting to watch her/him travel around.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, insects
Orange You Glad to Have a Companion?
The other succulent plant’s flowers have arrived and are starting to bloom. They are a beautiful orange/coral color with accents of yellow. A perfect companion to the pink and yellow echeveria flowers.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
Blooming Buds
I can’t get enough of the echeveria flowers, which recently started to bloom! They are so vibrant. Looks like the other succulent next to this one also has flowers on the way. Stay tuned.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
Succulent Flowers
My hen and chick succulent has flowers! Apparently they are called echeveria flowers. So beautiful!
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
After Irene
I’m very lucky to report that this was the only damage done during Hurricane Irene. I have to admit that this old lattice was already very brittle and it turned out that the heavy morning glories were stronger that it. My heart goes out to all the people who have suffered due to this storm. [...]
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
Marigolds and Gladiolus
The orange marigolds are really flourishing while the yellow ones are starting to dwindle. Here’s a set with a pink gladiolus. Those were were planted last year and I only realized that they were perennials when they started spouting this year…and they doubled so each spot had two. I’m obviously new to planting bulbs, but [...]
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
Good Morning, Morning Glories
The excitement this week was while spending time in the garden in the morning, I saw some bees enjoying the flowers. Here’s one visiting the morning glories.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden
Bumble Bee
I saw a huge bumble bee flying around and enjoying the marigolds in our garden.
In: Favorite Insect Photos, Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden, insects
Visiting a Sunflower
While spending time in my garden, I noticed bumble bees visiting my recently opened sunflowers. Here’s one in flight.
In: Favorite Insect Photos, Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden, insects
Glad to Have Gladioulus
The gladiolus are blooming in our garden. We are very excited to have them and are happy that the sunflowers and marigolds have new friends.
In: Photo of the Week · Tagged with: flowers, garden